NEW Tactics for Amplifying Your Podcast Potential with AI Voice

AI voice podcast tips

Audio by Ramona J. using WellSaid Labs

In recent years, podcasts have become our trusted companions, whispering stories and insights as we navigate our day. The numbers say it all–in 2019, 274.8 million ears were tuned into podcast episodes worldwide. Fast forward to 2023, and that number has soared to 464.7 million—a whopping 70% increase. What’s the magic behind this surge?

  • Ease of accessibility. Simply click, listen, and go! 
  • Doing dishes? Driving? Gyming? Podcasts are there to keep you company. Multitasking? Check.
  • From crafting aficionados to sci-fi fanatics, there’s a niche for everyone. It’s an ideal space for building, building upon, and creating communities. 
  • Hearing a voice is intimate and engaging. 

From the humble origins of 2004, when nerds and random political addresses dominated the scene, up to today where top brands and personalities embrace this medium, the podcast world has undergone massive changes. And with this evolution, quality demands have skyrocketed.

So how can you thrive in the crowded space? Be a mega celebrity, or provide superb content with impeccable quality. But here’s the twist—ever considered incorporating AI voices to jazz up your podcast? 

Well, drumroll please…we’re diving deep into this very notion!

Learn more about WellSaid Labs and podcast content with our Recast story here. 

Why AI voice, and how?

Text-to-Speech (TTS) tech is like an artist’s palette. Creators can paint any auditory masterpiece they envision. But what draws a podcaster to this innovation?

Discover how WellSaid Labs created NPR’s first AI podcast here! 

From written to spoken: Writers and long-form content creators, why not turn those words into delightful audio bytes for those on the move?

Voice gaps, be gone!: Clone your voice and let AI patch up the missing audio pieces, enhancing the cohesion of your podcast. And for this alchemy, a trusted partner like WellSaid Labs is pivotal.

AI co-hosts: Picture an AI voice nudging the story forward (kind of like Britt does for Ashley on Crime Junkie) asking those burning questions. It’s a seamless blend of AI and human interaction.

Advertisement aces: Bagged an ad deal but grappling with the audio element? Let AI voices be your saving grace. 

Turning the digital page to AI APIs 

Companies, here’s your chance to elevate your digital experiences. Take a chapter from our own book: Recast’s transformation with WellSaid Labs. 

Here’s the skinny. Recast’s goal was turning online articles into captivating audio snippets. But achieving that natural voice texture was a mountain to climb. Enter WellSaid Labs–offering voices so natural that they became the “soul” of Recast’s vision. With this partnership, ReCast ushered in faster delivery times and an unparalleled audio treat.

Curious? Dive deeper into our case study here. 

Maybe it’ll stir that creativity pot within you!

Tips for getting the AI tune right

While AI voices offer a universe of opportunities, there’s an art to excelling with them. From our extensive experience with various podcasters, we’ve compiled a few expert tips below. 

Bypass the gimmicks: Ditch the “robotic” tones and lure of cheap voice cloning. It’s not just about ethics, it’s about quality too.

Learn more about what sets WellSaid Labs’ voice quality apart here. 

Ask first: Always get that nod of approval before venturing into voice cloning.

Blend AI and organic: While AI is leaps and bounds ahead, it’s the human touch (i.e. the laughs, the sighs, the stumbles) that make a podcast heartfelt.

Sonic identity matters: Your voice choice represents your entire brand. Dive into the psychology of voice in our blog post, and make sure it aligns with your brand’s soul.

For more tips on Sonic Identity, check out our blog piece here. 

And remember, while freebies like Murf might tempt, with TTS, you truly get what you shell out for. That applies to both ethics and quality. So invest wisely, and do your homework first.

Learn more about WellSaid’s commitment to AI ethics here. 

AI voices and podcasts—a harmony in progress

Reflecting back, podcasts have leaped from obscurity to mainstream, and AI voices can further amplify their charm. These voices offer a fresh canvas for creators to test, analyze, and refine their content in captivating ways. But rest assured, AI isn’t here to snag the spotlight from our beloved podcast hosts. After all, it’s the myriad of human voices that gives AI its richness.

At WellSaid Labs, every voice actor earns royalties on their contribution. It’s a symphony of human creativity and technological innovation.

And as we tune out, remember: In the world of podcasts and AI, every episode holds a new surprise. So, listeners, are you ready for the encore?


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