Exploring ChatGPT and Synthetic Voice

ChatGPT and synthetic voice presents opportunities and ethical concerns.

Anyone who follows news in AI tech knows that there has been a lot of buzz about OpenAI’s research release of ChatGPT. This powerful chatbot delivers results to all kinds of queries in a conversational, humanlike way. The implications for a vast number of use cases are impressive. However, they become even more exciting with the possible addition of synthetic voice.

What are the opportunities here? And just as important, what are the limitations and ethical concerns?

To find out, we asked ChatGPT to tell us about how it can be used with AI voice. Our avatars bring the answer to life.

What ChatGPT Had to “Say”

The OpenAI product suite includes a variety of generative AI products.

Previously, the image creation app DALL-E got a lot of attention for its amazing and sometimes hilarious results. These technologies have sparked the imaginations of creators everywhere. But what does ChatGPT actually do?

This is how OpenAI describes ChatGPT: “The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.”

With a powerful AI chatbot, a logical application is to combine it with a realistic text-to-speech integration like WellSaid API. To learn more, we asked ChatGPT to discuss the potential. Our Voice Avatars add voice to the answer, showing the potential of the combination.

“ChatGPT Combined with Synthetic Voice” (by ChatGPT)

Read by Tilda

ChatGPT is a powerful chatbot developed by OpenAI that uses machine learning to generate human-like responses to user input. One way to enhance the user experience with ChatGPT is by using a text to speech system to convert the chatbot’s responses from text to speech, allowing users to hear the chatbot’s responses instead of reading them.

Read by Jeremy

There are several benefits to using text-to-speech with ChatGPT. For one, it can make the chatbot more accessible to users who prefer to listen to information rather than read it. This can be especially useful for users with visual impairments, who may find it difficult to read text on a screen.

Read by Vanessa

Another benefit of using text-to-speech with ChatGPT is that it can make the chatbot’s responses sound more natural and human-like. By converting the text to speech, the chatbot’s responses can be delivered with the appropriate inflections and emphasis, making them sound more like a real conversation.

Read by Lee

There are many potential applications for using text-to-speech with ChatGPT. For example, ChatGPT could be used as a customer service chatbot, with text-to-speech providing a more natural and engaging experience for users. ChatGPT could also be used as a language learning tool, with text-to-speech helping users to improve their pronunciation and listening skills.

Read by Nicole

In conclusion, using text-to-speech with ChatGPT can enhance the user experience and make the chatbot more accessible and natural-sounding. Whether you are using ChatGPT for customer service, language learning, or any other application, text-to-speech is a valuable addition to this powerful chatbot.

Ethical Considerations of ChatGPT

AI ethics has become an entire area of debate and study. Many of these machine learning products are just now reaching widespread access. Consequently, we are just beginning to understand what the implications may be. As the technology evolves, the ethical concerns will continue to change.

One criticism of ChatGPT is that it is essentially widespread plagiarism. Most generative AI is subject to this critique. By definition, it draws from previous human discourse.

screenshots of Twitter conversations about AI and plagiarism
Twitter discussion on ethics of AI plagiarism, or “aigirism”

Additionally, there is concern for how generative AI will affect the jobs of creative people. Will DALL-E take work from graphic artists? Could ChatGPT eventually put writers out of work? It’s hard to say how this dynamic will evolve. Those who work with artificial intelligence have a duty to consider these questions seriously.

WellSaid Labs has a commitment to “AI for good” for not only our customers, but our employees, voice actors, and the community as a whole. Learn more about our ethical stance here.


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