Business Articles

Excellent customer service is a balancing act. Customers are looking for solutions to their problems. Companies are looking for consistency and reliability, aiming for every customer service interaction to go

Why is instructional design so important for remote training? A recent study by Growmotely revealed that 97% of employees don’t want to return to an office full-time. In fact, 74%

Today, digital experiences span across many devices and formats. Content creators engage their audiences with new immersive technologies. The closer these experiences get to us as people, the deeper the

Although 2020 has been a year of disruptions, it has also highlighted the importance of certain systems and practices that we had taken for granted. The most important among these

As Covid-19 takes its course worldwide, companies must reevaluate their operational structures for both the short and long terms. Remote work is becoming an institutionalized arrangement for a significant proportion

With their newly unveiled Synthetic Media Landscape, Samsung NEXT is asking all of us to tell the positive stories about synthetic media. Synthetic media, they say, marks the beginning of

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When you’re starting out as an instructional design specialist, finding best practices online can feel overwhelming. Where do you look for help? Which resources do you consult first? Chances are,

A picture might be worth a thousand words, but what’s worth more than a gallery of pictures? Sweeping real estate videos are!

Instructional designers create and deliver learning experiences for employees. Imagining a classroom full of people impatient to get back to work? Thankfully, that’s not what we’re talking about here. As

Your stories deserve the perfect voice, and WellSaid Studio is here to help you make that happen. We’re proud to introduce you to our eight new digital voice actors! They

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Text to speech has a long history, with champions and critics along the way. With a massive technology breakthrough in 2018, the voice over game has changed. The TTS of

Today’s text-to-speech empowers content creators to bring their words to life. Where once authors hired voice actors or went without voice altogether, text to speech (TTS) allows them to narrate

Many fantastic digital courses go live without narration. Some would-be stellar social campaigns are denied a voice. Plenty of corporate trainings with critical information to pass on have to communicate

One of the biggest fears that eLearning content developers share is the disengaged learner. Modern instructional design models, authoring tools, and storytelling best practices aim to address this concern. At

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